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Social Events
We are an organization that takes pride in balancing the fun social aspect of a group with the professional side that will provide growth for individuals. We have social events every week that allow for us to grow closer as friends, and the relationships you form in FLED are ones that will last for the rest of your time at A&M and beyond.

Project Name
Our retreats are one of our favorite events we get to do each year. We do a Spring, Winter, and Fall retreat each year and past retreats have gone to places such as Austin, Galveston, and the Texas Hill Country. They are a great time to relax, have fun, and make some memories.
Weekly Events
Each week we have different social events where we can come together and unwind after a long day of class or studying for an exam. Freshmen get to help decide our weekly events and we especially enjoy going to the movies, bowling, watching some Aggie football or baseball, getting dinner, or having study socials.

Holiday Socials
Holiday socials are always a great way to celebrate together and grow as a FLED family. Freshmen in the programs committee will get to help plan and organize a Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentines social.
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Formal is one of our biggest and most fun events each year. It is a time to come together and celebrate the year we had and reflect on the memories and friendships that were formed.
We also have a semi-formal is the fall as well.